Marketing leadership in sustainability

The continuing shift to investing based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria is a once-in-a-generation event that is transforming the investment industry. With this transformation comes the potential creation of new winners and losers.

03 August 4 mins

Liontrust fail: Dented pride or taken in its stride?

Liontrust’s rampant asset gathering may generate a perception of unstoppable success, but even the King of the jungle has its weaknesses, says…

22 July 4 mins

ESG trends 2021: Grey is the new black

Hear, hear we are living longer! In ancient Greece anyone who lived to over 60 would have been…

16 June 4 mins

ESG trends 2021: the transition to net zero

In this series, White Marble's Sustainability team highlights the key themes that we believe will take centre stage…

13 May 3 mins

ESG trends 2021: Circular economy

In this series, White Marble's ESG team highlights the key themes that we believe will take centre stage…

01 April 3 mins

ESG trends 2021: Human Capital Management

Rebecca Vogel looks at human capital management, and how the environment of the last year has heightened awareness of its role in businesses.

17 March 3 mins

ESG trends 2021: Social equality

In this series, White Marble's ESG team takes a look at the key themes that we believe will…

25 February 4 mins

ESG trends 2021: Biodiversity

As the new year gets underway, sustainability and responsible investing are front of mind for so many of…

09 February 4 mins

What the asset management industry can learn about sustainability from outside our industry

Author   The first Expert Speaker Series of 2021 kicked off earlier this month with a conversation with…

25 January 2 mins

Don’t fight the zeitgeist – ESG is coming for you whether you like it or not

2020 has certainly had an ESG flavour and as a theme it is spreading quickly. From a mention…

20 November 2 mins