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Launching a lead generation pilot – technology and data

Part 1 of this series outlined the steps needed to map the journey your prospects will traverse during…

14 May 4 mins

Are you making the most of your UK Stewardship Code submission?

The 2024 deadline for UK Stewardship Code submissions has now passed and what is typically an intensive and…

30 April 3 mins

How well does your culture reflect your brand – and vice versa?

Culture is an integral, oft-discussed element of how a firm is perceived externally. Consider how negative news of a firm’s culture can leave a lasting impact for months, if not years. Despite this, the connection between culture, brand and communications, and the difference it can make to galvanising employees and generating cut through is often minimized..

10 April 4 mins

Supercharge your marketing with personas

Engaging with your audience starts by understanding who they are, what they want and where they will intersect with your content. Personas are an ideal way to build a framework of physical and digital touchpoints that will open up as many opportunities as possible to get your message in front of the right people.

27 March 3 mins

Top three FRC stewardship questions answered

Find recommendations for: How much time and resource you should be putting behind stewardship reporting, how far along the road to ‘perfect’ stewardship the FRC expects you to be and how long your report needs to be.

27 February 3 mins

How to approach a successful website project: Consider these five principles

At this point we all know that a website is an essential portal for information and a fundamental representation of a firm’s brand. Yet, many asset management firms fall short when it comes to building and optimizing their websites for maximum impact.

15 February 3 mins

Size truly does not matter when it comes to systems stewardship

Featuring in this episode, Kirsten Hastings, White Marble's Head of Content, is joined by by Rick Alexander, CEO of The Shareholder Commons and Rebecca Vodel, Marketing Consultant at White Marble. In this episode they discuss what is meant by market-wide systematic risks, identifying and addressing these risks and what it takes to be considered an official systems steward.

08 February < 1 min

4 principles to improve your ETF content marketing strategy

Effective ETF content marketing must build on a strong foundation of overall content best practices, and requires further strategic consideration to stand out. Total ETF assets under management have grown at approximately 15% CAGR since 2010, almost three times faster than traditional mutual funds, per data from Oliver Wyman. As this growth continues, investment marketers will continue to launch and/or optimize their ETF content marketing efforts.

24 January 3 mins

Marketing and the multi-affiliate model

Kirsten Hastings, White Marble's Head of Content and Twink Field, CEO and founder of White Marble are joined by Mark Doyle, formerly EVP Strategic Marketing & Product at Natixis. In this episode they dive into the world of marketing and the multi-affiliate model, talking through the challenges and opportunities – not only from a brand perspective, but also a budget one – and whether it is possible to have a unified multi-affiliate culture.

18 January < 1 min

Website Performance F for Fail

OK that’s a slightly harsh headline but as a rule, asset managers websites are not fast. I meant to write this post in Q4 last year but as usual the last few weeks of 2023 got very busy and time to write became a scarce commodity. Now with all the good intentions a new year brings, I’m making time to write more about Beacon and our broader digital work.

18 January 3 mins

Crafting Content: The Pillars of Content Creation

Once the broad strokes of an overarching content plan have been established, sketching out the finer details of content presents its own practical challenges – many of which are not addressed by generic online content guides. This article will attempt to chart those areas of unexplored ground, offering advice on content creation that others haven't told you. Or, at least, haven't told you enough about.

15 January 3 mins

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