What’s that coming over the hill? ESG regulation from the EU!

Over the next two years a number of regulations on sustainable finance will come into effect, emerging from…

07 November < 1 min

2020: the year ESG arrived in your backyard

Rebecca Vogel reflects on the impact that the pandemic has had on ESG over the last few months…

02 October 2 mins

ESG investments in the Italian and Spanish retail market

Executive summary In Italy and Spain, the institutional market has traditionally been stronger voices pushing the ESG (environmental,…

19 August 8 mins

Why ESG doesn’t matter

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues alone do not evidence a link between a company’s social impact and…

03 December 2 mins

Sustainability: is your marketing team prepared?

One can’t look very far in the investment management world these days without encountering the term ‘sustainability’. But…

30 July 2 mins