Welcome to our new content feature: 'hot topics of the month', identifying a range of key blog posts that provide valuable market insights. This week features four articles and one white paper that cover a variety of topics from AI (artificial intelligence) to Brexit.
1. What's in a digital marketing strategy?
Matt Zucker, a Forbes contributor, considers the growing importance of digital advertising and provides a framework to help marketers create effective digital marketing strategies. Find out more here.
2. Industry to be held more accountable under new Stewardship code
Written by Sam Shaw at Investment Week, this article provides an industry update on the new FRC revised stewardship code. The new code will hold signatories more accountable, calling on them to report annually on activity and associated outcomes. Click here to read the full report.
3. What marketers should do in the event of a no-deal Brexit
This article addresses the uncertainty of a no-deal Brexit, recognising the challenges organisations will face in the coming future. Morag Cuddeford-Jones acknowledges it's a difficult time for marketers and tries to provide them with guidance and insight regarding staffing, data capture and supply chains.
4. Artificial Intelligence in Investment Management
Published by the Meketa group, this white paper illustrates how AI is now impacting investment portfolios as well as investment process. The paper continues to touch upon what makes successful AI, what defines it and its adoption in finance and economics. Click here to read the full paper.
5. How to motivate employees to go beyond their jobs
Bolino and Klotz identify the key attributes to motivating employees to go beyond their job specification. They argue that employees volunteering, taking on special assignments and putting in extra hours will lead to companies becoming more efficient and effective. Find out how to correctly motivate employees here.