Three inescapable truths for asset managers on culture

In the wake of recent industry scandals, asset managers are reconsidering both their formal governance frameworks and their less formal social contracts in an attempt to reduce risk factors and engender employee and investor trust.

17 August 3 mins

White Marble US Trends Report: Harnessing Your Brand Identity

In this special edition of our quarterly US trends report, we focus on the multi-faceted universe of branding, exploring its importance and why it is currently the subject of such focus.

08 August < 1 min

Bye bye birdie

Following the announcement that the company previously known as Twitter was rebranding to ‘X’ Taz shares a few thoughts about the rebrand and potential impact on its reputation.

02 August 3 mins

Shh… Don’t flaunt our green credentials

The growing disenchantment with ESG in the United States has been well documented and, if we are being honest with ourselves, should not really come as much of a surprise. All movements and trends experience a natural ebb and flow, shifting between popular and unfashionable, until they find their equilibrium.

19 July 3 mins

ESG is not fit for purpose

The recent Financial Services Forum posed the following question: ‘Is ESG still fit for purpose?’ By the end of the morning, the overarching consensus seemed to be “no”.  That is not to say ESG is not fit for purpose from an investment perspective - rather from a marketing one.   The reason for this is actually quite simple - ‘ESG’ as an acronym, as a concept, is too abstract.  

05 June 3 mins

The benefits of flexible working hours and top tips

In a recent poll we asked you to choose the most impactful thing employers can do to improve…

02 June 4 mins

The AI Experiment part 1: Can one tool create a complete social campaign?

We've all been hearing a lot about the wonders of artificial intelligence (AI) recently, which got the White…

04 May 7 mins

The Investment Marketing Scoop: Measuring CX

As a concept, Customer Experience (CX) is famously woolly and resistant to tangible measurement. However, it's clear that…

18 April 2 mins

Tune in to Auditory Marketing

Have you ever caught yourself humming a popular song or catchy tune you’ve heard in a radio jingle or on the TV? All the time, if you’re anything like me.

11 April 3 mins

The Investment Marketing Scoop: Clear client benefit

Jack Ma, the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba and officially the richest man in China, is credited to have said: “Forget about your competitors, just focus on your customers”.

04 April 2 mins