How are investment managers scaling on a budget?

It is no secret that the asset management world has seen its share of shakeups over the last…

30 July 2 mins

Liontrust fail: Dented pride or taken in its stride?

Liontrust’s rampant asset gathering may generate a perception of unstoppable success, but even the King of the jungle has its weaknesses, says…

22 July 4 mins

Three ways to drive higher content engagement

Investment managers are battling for their share of voice in a crowded media environment. The holy grail – of having engaged prospects…

16 July 2 mins

ESG trends 2021: Grey is the new black

Hear, hear we are living longer! In ancient Greece anyone who lived to over 60 would have been…

16 June 4 mins

AIM High: Assessment of Value year two: The good, the bad and the ugly

Twink is joined by three industry experts, John Bennett, Head of Adviser Proposition at Sparrows Capital Limited, David Ogden, Head of Compliance at Sparrows Capital and Esther Armstrong, Marketing Consultant at White Marble Marketing, to discuss ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ of the new Assessment of Value reports.

25 May 2 mins

ESG trends 2021: the transition to net zero

In this series, White Marble's Sustainability team highlights the key themes that we believe will take centre stage…

13 May 3 mins

What’s in a name?

Twink Field reflects on the recent rebrand of Abrdn

28 April 2 mins

AIM High: Marketing in the Middle East

The Middle East is considered by many as an opaque market, it can be difficult to know who the end investors are and…

31 March < 1 min

Dear C-Suite: How to do digital

Managing Director Andrew Scott knows the answer and provides his recommendations for how asset management firms can conquer digital

26 March 2 mins

ESG trends 2021: Human Capital Management

Rebecca Vogel looks at human capital management, and how the environment of the last year has heightened awareness of its role in businesses.

17 March 3 mins