How are investment managers scaling on a budget?

It is no secret that the asset management world has seen its share of shakeups over the last…

30 July 2 mins

AIM High: Techniques to deliver cut-through presentations

In today’s episode Twink explores how to make presentations impactful and deliver cut through for your audience as she is joined by the experienced Dylan Emery, Editorial Director at Last Word Media.

12 May < 1 min

How to re-discover the power of face-to-face

Digital communication and working from home has clearly impacted our ability to communicate face-to-face. As we slowly come back to physical interactions, Lisa Mattes, Marketing Executive, looks at how we can rediscover the power of face-to-face interaction.

07 May 3 mins

Five top tips to achieve sales and marketing alignment

Jen Taylor reflects on the thoughts of Scott Stevens on what to implement to begin making this move to an aligned sales and marketing approach.

06 May 3 mins

Dear C-Suite: How to do digital

Managing Director Andrew Scott knows the answer and provides his recommendations for how asset management firms can conquer digital

26 March 2 mins

The power of innovative marketing

In today's unpredictable economy, it is critical that businesses adopt an innovative approach to marketing in order to…

19 February 2 mins

TRENDS IN TECH: Tech-driven marketing innovations.

We have seen how technology has revolutionised work and school life in ways we couldn’t imagine during this…

27 November 3 mins

AIM High: Marketing in Asia

Although the Asian asset management industry accounts for a mere 5 per cent of global investment fund assets,…

29 September < 1 min

5 emerging trends in financial services

Challenged to reflect on the impact of Covid-19 on financial services for Aviva’s recent marketing event, Twink Field…

25 September 3 mins

AIM High: The essentials of the US market

The US asset management industry is the largest in the world with assets under management totalling over $50…

09 September < 1 min